Every time I start creating a Twilio Web API application I always get a little frustrated. It’s not that using their API is hard - it certainly isn’t. Rather, their API does not play well with ASP.NET Web API.

Basically there are two problems:

Neither of these are huge problems but they make using Web API more of a hassle than MVC - and then I end up either using MVC when I don’t want to or I copy and paste code from previous workarounds.

But now I’ve had enough. So I set aside a couple hours and put together a proper (for me) Twilio Web Api assembly and nuget package.

Relevant links:

NuGet Package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Twilio.WebApi/

Source: https://github.com/bubbafat/Twilio-WebAPI/

Twilio’s approach: https://www.twilio.com/blog/2012/11/building-twilio-apps-using-asp-net-mvc-4-web-api.html

Twilio Web API sample code

Here’s a Twilio Web API controller (deriving from our Web API TwilioController class) that uses the Web API ValidateRequest attribute to secure the API and performs a simple echo (using the TwilioController’s TwiML method).

public class SmsController : TwilioController
    [ValidateRequest("YOUR AUTH KEY")]
    public IHttpActionResult Echo(SmsRequest request)
        TwilioResponse response = new TwilioResponse();
        return TwiML(response);

Exactly what the MVC version looks like.