I was having an issue where I would start Camtasia, the splash screen would come up and, about 90% of the time, the application would terminate. Sometimes it worked. Usually it didn’t.

I started my search and found this support post at Techsmith: https://support.techsmith.com/entries/22891787-Camtasia-Studio-Crashes-Right-After-Splash-Screen-Main-Window-Never-Opens.

It did not help.

So I looked for a log. I didn’t see anything in the %programfiles%\techsmith folder so I moved on to %temp% (which on my machine was C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\Temp).

In the temp folder I found a file that had been created at the same time as the crash: G2MCodec.txt

I open it up, scroll to the bottom and find this gem:

[CamtasiaStudio] ...
*** Crash ***
Exception: C0000005 at 5D1FD578 
in C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\GoToMeeting\969\G2M.dll
ACCESS_VIOLATION while reading 00000038
Loaded dbghelp.dll ver. 6.01.7601.17514
EBP walk -> 5D1FD578; ...

Now I may just be a small town country chicken trying to make it in this crazy mixed up world, but I know a smoking gun when I see one.

Apparently GoToMeeting is injecting a little bit of suck into Camtasia.

Only one thing to do in a case like this.

Uninstall it. Plain and simple.

And now Camtasia works great, every time.